April Update

So many fun things happened this month, but my favorite by far was SSI Week! SSI Week happens about a week after Spring Break and a group of students from CCF (a campus ministry at Western Washington University in Washington State) come down to Texas during their Spring Break to do a week of outreach at our campuses. We reach out through initiating conversations with random students, setting up display boards with spiritual questions and inviting new friends we've made to play games and hangout with us. The days this past week were jammed pack with activities all day but it was so so fun. Having the SSI students on our campuses this week was so encouraging and life-giving. It was a reminder that God's Kingdom is bigger than me and FOCUS, but it extends to the ends of the earth. The students were so bold in reaching out to people. At times it can be discouraging being rejected by people over and over again; people are not always open to engaging in spiritual conversation. However, the students pressed on and as a result were able to have so many meaningful, spirit-filled conversations. I know that our staff, FOCUS community and the UTD, Richland and SMU campuses were all blessed by the SSI team. Here are some pictures from the last day that my friend Christina took. Fun fact, Christina actually stayed with me and my roommates when she came to Texas the first time for SSI Week a few years ago. It was so cool to have her back this year; she's an intern with CCF!

SSI Team and FOCUS staff 

CCF Interns and FOCUS Apprentices 

Something exciting that is happening this month is Spring Showcase! Spring Showcase is a concert that serves as a fundraiser for students who are going to SICM (Student Institute of Campus Ministry).  SICM is a leadership conference hosted by CCF.  We send students who we believe could serve as potential leaders within our ministry to Western Washington University, the campus which also sent down the SSI team. I remember going to SICM as a student 4 years ago and really gaining a vision for God's Kingdom beyond the UTD campus.

As a ministry, we hold a value that if one person can't afford to participate in an event we're doing, then our ministry can't afford to participate in that event. We hold this fundraiser in an effort to offset the cost of the trip. Not only will you get to enjoy a wonderful show by talented acts, many of whom have studied music and theater, but you will also be contributing to a wonderful cause. The ministry skills that I learned at SICM are invaluable. SICM is a life changing conference and an amazing opportunity to grow as a leader, but more importantly, a disciple of Jesus. Below is all of the information regarding the event. Hope to see you there!

Thank you for all of your continued support and prayers! This month I want to leave with a verse from a book that I just read for my New Testament class. I have really enjoyed that class and it has been so helpful for my ministry this semester. 

 "For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline."

2 Timothy 1:7


  1. Hey Dawn! I am so encouraged each year when the SSI students join us. How cool is it that they spend their spring break spreading the message of the gospel with people they may never see again? They are really such neat, inspiring people, and I feel so blessed that FOCUS gets to partner with them!

    Love you Dawn!!


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