August Update

After several months of fundraising and gearing up for the school year I have finally started my apprenticeship! 

My first major update is that I am going to be working at Southern Methodist University (SMU) and the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) this school year. This change happened quickly and I was not expecting it, but I am so excited to be apart of helping plant FOCUS at SMU and to continue to invest in the students at my alma mater. 

My first week consisted of attending staff retreat with all of the general FOCUS staff. I was pretty nervous going into retreat but all of my nerves and apprehensions dissipated early in the retreat. Everyone on staff was so welcoming and really made an effort to make myself and my fellow apprentices feel comfortable and apart of the veteran staff.

This past weekend I had the chance to spend time with the leader team at SMU. It was so encouraging to hear how excited we all are to plant this ministry and see how God is going to work at that campus.

I have included some pictures at the bottom of the people that I will be working with throughout the course of the year as well as an encouraging student testimony.

If you have not yet set up your financial contributions, please do so soon. Thank you for taking time to read through my update and for all of your support!

(FOCUS Staff and Apprentices)

(UTD Staff)


(SMU Leader Team)


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